Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chargeback Con't

Ok, my credit card company finished the chargeback & they say I should get my money back within the next day or so. Thank God! What a hassle newdiaperclub has been. I don't know whether this lady is trying to scam and scheme to take people's money or if she is truly buried and can't deal with her "success". I do business online. I wish I had that problem... But, oh well. Some people can't handle it. I have read other people's blogs and heard from other people on forums and some people actually do get diapers and wipes from this company so I really can't proclaim that they are a complete scam. All I can do is tell you my story. I signed up, and got nothing when I should have gotten 2 shipments in that time. No one answered the phone or replied to my emails. I even contacted the Arbonne rep who sells on their website and she gets back to me every time with a standard, "I'm sorry but I'm not involved with them. Any is my friend and they are legit" message. Although the Arbonne rep also sounds just as sincere as Amy does with her sweet friendly Christian voice, I still get nothing in the mail. So be it. I'm getting my money back! Hopefully, everyone who reads this will consider carefully before buying diapers from them...

And as a side note, one of my twins is now potty trained! Horray! Now I just have 2 kids left in diapers! The potty-trained twin is still wearing a pull-up at night though but big girl underwear in the daytime.

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